Along with our main season CSA share, we offer several additional items for our share members to purchase throughout the season as they become available. Add-ons are available only to our current year registered CSA members.
Add-on Shares from our Farm as Available:
- Greens Share (Bushel box of mixed kale, collards, and/or chard for freezing)
- Tomato Share (20 pounds tomatoes for freezing/canning) – you can let us know if you need additional ingredients for making salsa or sauces.
- Pesto Share (2# basil and 4-5 heads of garlic)
Additional Bulk Produce for CSA Members:
We offer additional produce for sale for members who may want larger amounts of bulk produce for preserving, making salsa, special dinners, etc. or are just looking for extra of particular produce. Members can request additional produce at any time and if it is available, we deliver it along with your regular CSA share.
Add-On Shares from other Farms or Businesses that we partner with:
*Note: We will advertise these shares to members via email when they become available.
- Grass-fed beef from Early Boots Farm: Members can sign up for a beef share from Tyler and Kate at Early Boots Farm which includes an 1/8 beef in the spring and the fall. Pick-ups in St. Cloud or at our farm in Litchfield will be arranged. Contact Tyler and Kate directly to sign up for a beef share by emailing them at or calling 320-249-1841. More information can be found on their website.