“Eating is an agricultural act.”
-Wendell Berry
How can you as a CSA member get more involved with your farm?
Attend Prairie Drifter Farm Member Events
Each year we invite share members to events that bring us together around the rhythms of the farm through work, education, fun, or food. They are a great opportunity to meet new people and become more connected to your farm and the land where your food is grown.
Volunteer on Work Party Days
Being a CSA member provides you a unique opportunity to learn how your food is grown, to be in tune with the seasons, and to be connected to your farm, the land and the outdoors. With that in mind, we offer members the chance to take part in work party days where we may be planting, weeding, harvesting, or doing projects around the farm. As in all outdoor work, farm work depends on the weather so these Work Party Days are not always planned far in advance. Contact us you would like to be on an email list for work party notifications. We will also put out notifications on Facebook.
If you plan to join us on a work party day, consider the following:
- Wear old clothes or clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. That goes for shoes too! If bringing your kids, you may want a change of clothes for them.
- If it has been wet or muddy, consider wearing rubber boots.
- Wear a sun hat and sunscreen.
- Bring a water bottle (no glass).